Senior Leadership Team
- Will McDonald (Headteacher & Safeguarding Lead DSL)
- Emma Hopkins (Deputy Head, Franklin Class Teacher and Deputy DSL)
- Bex Stender (SENCO and Deputy DSL)
- Georgina Ritchie (Operations Manager)
Beatles Class (EYFS):
- Bex Stender (Class Teacher Mon-Wed)
- Carly Usherwood (Class Teacher Thur-Fri)
- Amy Devereux (HLTA)
- Shona Stickings (SEND TA)
Wonder Class (Years 1 and 2):
- Emily West (Class Teacher)
- Jaime Younger (HLTA)
Marley Class (Years 3 and 4):
- Rebekka Kosla (Class Teacher)
- Aurelie Merritt (TA)
- Emma Elvery (TA)
Franklin Class (Years 5 and 6):
- Emma Hopkins (Class Teacher)
- Jodi Bowbrick (HLTA)
Inclusion Team:
- Bex Stender (SENCO)
- Will McDonald (Mental Health Lead)
- Jodi Bowbrick (Deputy SENCO)
- Aurelie Merritt (ELSA Counsellor)
- Emma Elvery (ELSA Counsellor)
- Shirley Moody (Thoughtful MHST)
Wraparound Care:
- Emma Elvery (Saplings Lead)
- Matt Harder (Saplings Manager and Forest School Teacher)
Office and Site Team:
- Georgina Ritchie (Operations Manager)
- Kirsten Campbell (Office Manager)
- Russ Goodwin (Site Manager)
- Sam Murrell (Chartwells Cook)
Additional Staffing:
- Carl Petros (Sports Coach)
- IT Support is provided by JSPC
- Cleaning is provided by Shield